Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Stress Buster

We work hard to make our self and our family happy but this hard work many times gifts us with an add-on – STRESS. Stress is a part and parcel of today’s ever growing fast paced life. We live stress everyday, the same way as we live life everyday. Everyday we face depression and feelings of fatigue. This leave’s our body with stress and only stress!
People travel from one end of the city to another, every day, day after day, mostly without realizing the fact that what their daily routines are doing to their body. Every day what we surely gain is stress, if not happiness and satisfaction.
Granted, most people would like to slow down, to enjoy and live life to the fullest. But destiny has its own ways of burdening us and in turn help us not achieve a much desired peaceful existence. Work, jobs, study, you name it and it all adds up to stress.
It is obvious that we don’t invite stress in our lives, but it has its own way of showing up.
Here are some simple suggestions that one can make to alleviate not only fatigue, but help chase away the blues.
To start with , a good food will always make you feel more energetic. And above all Chinese food is the best option as it is said to stimulate the brain center that is responsible for happiness. So if it’s a really bad day for you, perhaps Chinese food is waiting for u…
Then one can even melt themselves in a large size cone of an ice-cream. Ice-creams contain loads of calcium + folic acid which are know to be mood elevators. This combination boosts the production of serotonin which is know to keep one happy for a long period of time. On addition of dark chocolate, one can get immune to cancer cells too, and yeah the yummy taste would definitely make you do that.
Next time don’t discard the orange and lemon peels as their essence are known to have a substance called limonoids which has been gifted with a property to prevent cancer.( study by Texas A&M University ). Plus the peels of these citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which are known to aid in rejuvenating the body’s immune system. One can simply add it into the food, or also grate the peel and use as a topper or just sprinkle it into your tea or soft drinks.
Prefer walking rather than running. According to the research done at the Greece Aristotle University, walking is more likely to invigorate the body. Research has proved that high intensity of run leaves one more restless and adds to the fatigue. Instead moderate to pace walking increases the energy level and lifts the spirits. Regular walking would make one feel more energetic, fit and above all stress free.
Further, take time out to just sit and meditate. It is a very well know fact, even a short meditation can be very rejuvenating to the body and soul. Sit down and reminisce, by looking at family photos. You can't help but have wonderful feelings viewing past good times that have been captured in photos.
One can listen to music for music has a soothing effect on brain, and a gentle massage will rejuvenate you from all fatigue. Places like ear lobes, eyes, fore head, fingers and back of shoulders will give u a boost of energy.
Stress is a part of everyone’s life, either in small ways or big ways, it do shows up. One must always be aware of harmful effects of stress and take proper precautions in advance. Stress could be controlled well if a proper balance is maintained between work and
leisure activities.


RISHI said...

Amazing...Nice piece of information....Even i would like to share that for stress Busters avoid GIRLS lolz.....just a bit of information

KarvinRulez!! said...

thnaks dude!
i had just missed tht part in ma article..but i am in complete agreement wid u!
njoy, takecare...