Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The relationship between atmospheric CO2 concentration and surface temperature is shown here for the past 150 years.

The irreversibility of the warming process is a chilling truth. Reports quoting scientists say that the CO2 that is already in the air would keep the temperatures rising for centuries on, even if the entire world were to stop polluting from today.
Of late, However the stress has been shifted to 'Adaptation', in the spirit of enduring what one cannot cure. Several countries are gearing up in tune with their threat perceptions. The Netherlands, for instance, which is already below sea level, is hiking up its famous dykes. Iceland is a pioneer in capturing the CO2 in the air and burying it in the depths of the earth --a process called sequestration.
While the world over, climate concerns are major political issues, politics in India remains largely immune to it. No party, mainstream or local, seems to entertain an awareness or view!